OmegaONE guide
Building Layouts

Building Layouts in OmegaONE

The main reason why UI libraries like Omega exists, is to make the process of constructing user-interfaces easier. This is done, by creating a structure, called Layouts.

We can build Layouts in OmegaJS using Components, which are isolated and re-usable code logic that helps to render some content on the browser.

In this article, we will discuss how we can make static layouts, covering several aspects of building UI, best practices, recommendations, and design principles.

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Components in OmegaONE

Components in the context of web development space, means isolated logic that when changed, is changed globally, requiring less efforts when updating certain parts of the interface.

In OmegaONE, Layouts are made by composing these components. You can either create your own components from scratch, or directly use the built-ins.

Creating a Component

Let us create a simple hello world component

import { Render } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
function HelloWorld() {
    return Layout.Column({
        child: "Hello World"
    selector: "#app",
    app: HelloWorld

The HelloWorld() function is our component, which is returning a Layout.Column({}) Component, which is one of the built-ins of OmegaONE. Almost every built-in component takes a child, or an array of children, except for few like Content.BreakLine({}) because it does not require children.

The Render({}) function here takes your component structure, calls it internally, and puts in on the DOM that the user finally interacts with. In any application, the Render function is only called once, and it is provided with the root Component, from which every other component starts.

Accepting children

One best thing about OmegaONE is that, the components are pure javascript function, and by that, I mean anything that is possible using pure javascript, is possible with OmegaONE too.

You can accept children in your own custom component, or any other property, however you might see fit. For example, I can create a custom greeting message instead of "Hello World"

import { Render } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
function HelloWorld(greeting: string) {
    return Layout.Column({
        child: greeting
    selector: "#app",
    app: () => HelloWorld("Welcome, Mayukh")

Now, instead of showing "Hello World", it will show "Welcome, Mayukh". Though it will not change the message based on some user input yet; which we will learn in the reactive layouts part.

Let us now try accepting another component, say a showcase function!

import { Render, Component } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout, Input } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
function ShowCase(name: string, component: Component) {
    return Layout.Column({
        children: [
            `This component was made by ${name}`,
    selector: "#app",
    app: () => ShowCase("Mayukh", Input.Button({ child: "I am a button!" }))

This will show the name of the person that made the component, as well as the component itself.

Styling our Component

There are various methods of styling based on how you are using OmegaONE.

1. Vite-Bundling

If you are using vite, you can simply create external stylesheets and import them directly!

import { Render, Component } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout, Input } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
import './style.css'
function ShowCase(name: string, component: Component) {
    return Layout.Column({
        id: "color-id", /*Or we can use class*/ class: "font",
        children: [
            `This component was made by ${name}`,
    selector: "#app",
    app: () => ShowCase("Mayukh", Input.Button({ child: "I am a button!" }))
#color-id {
    color: "red"; /*Or any other styling of your choice*/
.font {
    font-family: "Manrope"

2. Inline Styles

We can use inline styles inside all components that supports it. If I have to be honest, all UI Components supports inline styling, the rest are technically not UI Components, they are dynamic helpers or builders.

Just like in HTML, we can use the style property to give styles to our code!

import { Render, Component } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout, Input } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
function ShowCase(name: string, component: Component) {
    return Layout.Column({
        style: {
            color: "red"
        id: "color-id",
        children: [
            `This component was made by ${name}`,
    selector: "#app",
    app: () => ShowCase("Mayukh", Input.Button({ child: "I am a button!" }))

The names of the styling in the inline format is a bit different. For example, background-color for normal css would be backgroundColor in the inline format, and this applies for all dash-separated style name in css.

Listening to Events

One of the most important aspects of building web applications, is to listen to events. This is because, interfaces works on the basis of interaction, and events are the foundation of this component-interatction model. All interactions from a component is driven through events.

In omega, we prefix a lowercase on before all events. For example, onclick, or oninput, and this applies for all the available events in HTML. Click to see list of all UI events. (opens in a new tab)

import { Render, Component } from '@indivice/omega'
import { Layout, Input } from '@indivice/omega/compoonents'
function ShowCase(name: string, component: Component) {
    return Layout.Column({
        onclick() {
            alert("I was clicked!")
        style: {
            color: "red"
        id: "color-id",
        children: [
            `This component was made by ${name}`,
    selector: "#app",
    app: () => ShowCase("Mayukh", Input.Button({ child: "I am a button!" }))

Library specific properties

There are properties other than the ones provided by HTML. Here is the list of all the custom properties for all components:

  • reference -> Takes in a State<HTMLElement> and stores the current real-dom element in it. Can be used to directly refer to a real dom element.

  • ondestroy -> Is a library specific event that triggers when the specific component is removed from the DOM.

  • __driver__ -> Is a metadata-based property, which is used by Omega's driver, and are useful for developing custom components and custom renderers.

We will learn more about reference property in the Reactive Layouts article.

Other Native components

Aside from the pre-existing components we just saw, there are other useful components, that are technically not available in the web platform, but are implemented by Omega to make it more useful.

  • Layout.Portal(): Helps in creating component outside the component tree. This component is useful when showing overlays like modals or alerts, that needs to be at the top of every other components. The component will be outside a component, but can still use the logic of that component

  • Layout.HTML(): Helps in creating pure-html based content, that can also be dynamically updated. It takes either a raw string, or a dynamic callback function.

We will learn all of them in our upcoming article Reactive Layouts

Next Steps

In this article, we learned to create simple layouts, but real applications are almost always dynamic, and needs UI changing based on user interactions, which is very much lacking here.

We will learn everything about reactive layouts in the next article, and build upon it, and making progress towards building a real application.